Dancing Through Gardens
Dancing Through Gardens Collection
Maybe it was the current state of the world we're living in, maybe my own season of introspection, but I found myself challenged creatively to go deeper, be vulnerable, more open as an artist and as a person and to bring that into my work.
I was embarking on a journey that I knew would need courage, bravery and boldness; characteristics that don't come naturally to me. That required walking yet a little closer to the Lord, listening more carefully, trusting and leaning in to His love and care for me; letting Him lead and guide me in this journey.
It became a journey of self examination that exposed ideas that I took as truth, that then shaped perceptions and gave me a lens about myself and about life that was inaccurate.
Comparison, perfectionism and self-doubt all played a part in robbing me of a confident sense of identity.
Intuitively drawn to particular colors, tools and materials; I began to work my way through all 'the things', the stuff, the weeds. New truths began to surface, truths based on what God says rather than fear or the worlds opinion of who I am or should be.
This collection is work birthed out of: celebrating the different, liberation from insecurity and a call to be vulnerable, to be brave and to trust, both God and my own perceptions.
I can't think of a better word to describe the absents of fear more than 'dance'. The word itself conjures up images of delight, joy and ultimately a casting off of inhibitions. Gardens depict beauty in variety; even in a garden of roses no two are ever alike.
It's my hope that Dancing Through Gardens inspires others to reach past fears and experience joy and freedom to be all they were created to be. To view the Dancing Through Gardens collection click here